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When you meet our men, one impression becomes clear – they are real men, the way God intended men to be.

Fellowship Bible Church equips men to become spiritual leaders in their families and communities.  At FBC, our men stand with God and know the truth of His Word.  We teach men how to be strong in their faith, homes, and communities, following Jesus’ perfect example of what it means to be a faithful servant. He is our standard: Strong, Principled, Loving, Wise, Kind, Gracious, Compassionate, Bold, Courageous, and Fearless.


We meet to study the Word of God and pray. We fellowship that we might know and encourage one another.  We equip men to be strong leaders, husbands, and fathers under God’s Word.  We teach men the Christian worldview.  Our men become courageous warriors of God who are actively living an adventure with Jesus.

We invite you to join us in Worship and participate in the below-mentioned activities.

MEN'S bible study


Luke addresses Theophilus, most likly a Roman official. Luke's volumes are stocked with detail from sources Luke had available: letters, speeches, songs, travel accounts, trial transcripts and biographical anecdotes. Luke's purpose is to show the fulfillment of God's plan to bring salvation to the lost. 

Jesus answered them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."

Luke 5:31-32



 @ 6:30

 @ 9:00

Come join us in person or on Zoom.

Come join us in person!

Regular events


Once a year we get together at a retreat center to have biblically themed messages, fellowship, outdoor activities and more. It's a great way to  strengthen our faith and relationships.

men's breakfast

Every quarter we have a men's breakfast featuring the spiritual journey of one of our men. Keep your eyes open for our next breakfast, it's a great time of food and fellowship! 

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